We have summarized the steps and developments of the Italian energy market from 1900 to 2023 in an infographic…. much progress has been made, but Altea Green Power believes there is still much to be achieved, particularly in the area of renewables.
Early 1900s
Industry begins to adopt hydropower.
With the economic boom alongside hydropower, other energy sources are developed. This leads to the emergence of coal, oil, and natural gas-fired thermal power plants.
Italy launches a study program to explore the use of nuclear power to meet the growing electricity demand.
Following the 1966 referendum and the Chernobyl accident, Italy halts its nuclear program.
The first experimental wind and photovoltaic power plants are built. The 1999 Bersani Decree liberalizes the Italian energy market, introducing incentives and green certificates.
Early 2000s
The IPEX, the Italian Electronic Stock Exchange, is launched, and in 2004, the PUN is adopted.
Steady growth and recognition of photovoltaics and wind power, partly driven by the achievement of ‘grid parity’.
The energy transition accelerates, partly in response to the energy crisis brought by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Renewable sources, particularly photovoltaics and wind power, supply nearly 37% of Italy’s electricity needs.